Mystic Pizza Box

Mystic Pizza Box
A slice of heaven

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Kathryn Erbe on SVU "Acceptable Loss" 10-17-2012-"It Was Like We Were Married."

If there were ever any doubts that Eames and Goren were made for each other, they were all dispelled in last night's episode of LO:SVU, especially in the last scene between Eames and Benson. The interrogation scene that preceded the bar scene took a stunning turn when Lt. Eames did something that we've seen Detective Goren do so many times on LO:CI-she questioned the suspect, a terrorist posing as a hooker, by doing the "lean" and asking her to explain why she committed her crimes. "What happened to you?" "You have a reason." Eames's borrowing her partner's technique worked, of course! Now, did Benson have to use the word "eccentric" when remarking on Goren's influence on Eames? Benson never even met Goren, so what does she know about his interrogation style or personality, except what Eames tells her? It's so obvious that Eames misses Goren, even though she never mentions him by name, which I found a little strange. I kept thinking of the scene from LO:CI episode "Family Values" when Bobby demands that suspected serial killer Paul "Say it! Say his name!" Speaking of the devil, of course. :) It would have been so nice to hear her say "Bobby" just once. The best line was saved for last when Eames recalled the eleven years she worked in the MCS, most of them with Bobby Goren as her partner. "All those years together," she confides to Benson over drinks, then she drops this bomb: "It was like we were married." Having been separated from her own long-time partner Elliot Stabler after over a decade together in SVU, Benson ruefully replies "But you weren't." Boom.


  1. They deleted a Bobby mention--more than we got :{

  2. I saw that webisode, too. Bobby in Maine? Whoa!
